If you have any feedback or questions about the Autism Strategy, you can contact us in a number of ways detailed below. You might find the tips guide here helpful before you contact us.
- email us at cwp.
autismstrategy with your message or, if you prefer, attach an audio file to your email@nhs.net - provide some short feedback on the form below
- phone and leave a voicemail on 01625 508 542 (any weekday after 5pm, or anytime at the weekend). In your voice message, please refer to the Autism Strategy and let us know whether you would like someone to get in touch with you. If so, please indicate which method is best for you (email text, email audio, phone call). We will aim to respond within 3 working days.
- phone and speak to a person on 01625 508 542 (Tuesday to Thursday, from 8am until 4pm). Please refer to the Autism Strategy when you call.
We will be reaching out to local groups to discuss the Autism Strategy. If you would like us to come to your local group, please contact us with the details about your group and who best to get in touch with at cwp.
Regular updates about how the Strategy is being implemented will be linked to this page.
If you want more information about support and services for autistic people, the links below the feedback form may be helpful for you. You can also visit our autism hub for more information.