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We will drive the delivery of this Autism Strategy through our Autism Strategy Implementation Group, co-producing different workstreams within the Strategy with experts by experience and autistic people from our network of interested groups. 

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Within CWP, each Care Group and corporate service will create a work plan to meet the relevant commitments within this Strategy. 

Each workplan will include the actions we undertake as an organisation as well as those we do in partnership with others.

The initial workplan will submitted to the Trust Autism Strategy Implementation Group for review/ oversight.

A rolling schedule of updates to the Trust Autism Strategy Implementation Group on these workplans will be delivered.




Artwork by Helen’s Artsy Creations

We will improve our data quality with an aim to collect accurate data on all autistic people accessing or referred in to any CWP service. This is to ensure that services are understanding of the needs of people and are supported to deliver autism appropriate responses.

We will ensure that in developing service outcome measures and routinely recording and reporting these, that the range of measures agreed will include autism relevant ones as appropriate.

At the end of each year, the Trust will produce an Autism Strategy update report which will be published on its website. Our report will include what CWP has done internally with existing resources and what we have done with partnership input from other partners and/or commissioner support/investment.

We will show clear evidence of involvement of autistic people (and where appropriate their families, carers, supporters) in co-design, co-production, and where appropriate co-delivery of services.

We will demonstrate where we have sought feedback of people’s experiences and where we have ensured it has informed and improved our learning and practice.

Due to the date this Strategy was approved, our updates will be due in the summer period, with the first due in the summer of 2023.