From imagination to reality: This strategy sets out our ambitions to deliver high-quality person centred care that focusses on physical and emotional wellbeing.
Within it, we have recognised the role that we, as an organisation, will play in the future of health and care and the importance that we will play in the community. We therefore need to deliver on the vision that we have. This incorporates a number of elements:
Strategy Delivery Plans
Accompanying this Strategy will be a set of delivery plans. These will ensure that we have clearly defined activities, responsibilities and timescales to what it is that we will deliver.
Outcomes Framework
As has been highlighted within this document, each of our eight objectives includes a range of potential aspirations and outcomes we are working towards. This will need to be understood and monitored in order for us to stay on track, address any issues and focus on what is actually important. We will use our internal meetings to maintain this focus and our Trust Board will regularly review progress and our overall strategic direction.
Enabling Activities
Eight Enabling Strategies feed into this overarching Strategy. These are vital in ensuring that we continue to operate effectively and, most importantly, can deliver the improvement that we seek to achieve. Each of these enablers will require constant challenge, reinforcement and review to ensure that we advance our technology, information, infrastructure, resources and people capabilities over time.
Risk Appetite
The Trust Board has high ambition in relation to the Trust Strategy which aims to improve population health and reduce inequalities. Feeding into the delivery of this Strategy, is the degree of risk that our Board is willing or unwilling to take in order to achieve the Trust’s strategic objectives. The Board of Directors have a high risk appetite in terms of collaboration, innovation, research and new ways of working; a moderate risk appetite in relation to use of finances within the resources available; regulatory and reputational impact and a low risk appetite in terms of any change that brings harm to patients and colleague well-being.