Our objectives will help ensure that people thrive in their communities; accessing the best care when they need it.
With these driving everything we do, we can support wellbeing and help people who access our services and their carers to achieve their goals, build resilience with people and in communities, ensure access to timely, inclusive and consistently high quality pathways of care.
This will be delivered alongside our partners, together with our communities and all within the values and principles of a successful and sustainable National Health Service.
We will continue to build on the strong relationships we already have in place to create the Integrated Care System envisaged in the NHS Long Term Plan. This will increasingly see us making plans together as a single health and care system, taking a population health approach rather than separately as a single organisation.
To do that we will need to work in a different way – one where we and our partners are working more frequently as one joined-up seamless source of care – to meet the health and care needs of our populations. This will include where appropriate enabling people and communities to take more responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Importantly, we will also need to maximise the extensive knowledge, understanding and expertise that exists across our local community organisations, voluntary groups and independent partners. To this end, we will not only provide care and support but we will co-produce new models of care, join with other organisations in delivering this and fund other organisations when they are better placed than us to deliver successful outcomes:
Other Providers
We work alongside a wide range of provider partners and we want to work more closely with them as we think about how we provide the best services we can. This includes the delivery of Provider Collaboratives to re-think care pathways, use of limited resources and provide more seamless and efficient models of care.
Local Authority Partners
We recognise the vital role that our local authority partners play in delivering services aimed at prevention, maintaining health and wellbeing and social care. We want to support this work to protect the future health of the local population and make sure that our staff work closely together to maximise care and independence in the community.
We will work with our commissioners to understand and plan for the needs of our population and to advocate for the resources our health community needs.
Local Community Organisations
Local community organisations and voluntary groups also have a key role to play in helping our communities to stay healthy, well and independent.
We will pass funding and resources to other organisations, maximising the extensive knowledge, understanding and expertise that exists across our local community organisations, voluntary groups and independent partners
As just one organisation of many that support our communities, we commit to reduce inequalities and improve the overall wellbeing of the local people we serve. This means that, alongside our core business, we will play a significant role in making a strategic contribution to the local economy. As such, we will seek to maximise the positive social value impact we have on our local communities, contributing to improving the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of the local population. As a result of this, we will:
- Focus on tackling health inequalities, removing the barriers to enhancing wellbeing for all.
- Maximise local investment, recognising the social, economic and environmental benefits of doing so.
- Increase local employment and training opportunities for local people, especially from areas of high deprivation and unemployment.
- Be recognised as a good employer, provide outstanding careers, ensuring our employees have a positive and fulfilling experience and empowering our staff to deliver outstanding services every day.
- Champion equality, diversity and inclusion, recognising people from different backgrounds and experience make a valuable contribution to the way in which we work.
- Be greener and sustainable, recognising the impact we have and could have on the environment.
The NHS continues to provide health, care and support for those who need it – based on clinical need rather than ability to pay. The role of the NHS, and ourselves, will need to evolve and enhance. Whilst we need to adapt to health-care needs and increasing demand, we also need to recognise the social, economic and environmental role we play. Community wellbeing requires a multi-faceted approach and not one that purely focusses on ill-health. As a result, we are in a unique and leading position to work together with our partners, utilising our resources and financial stability to reduce the burden of demand on social care, provide a greater degree of out-of-hospital care and tackle the determinants of ill-health as oppose to the symptoms of them.
The Flexible Nature of our Role
To be successful in delivering high-quality, person-centred care we will play numerous roles:
As an Anchor organisation - providing the partnerships with local businesses, public sector partners and charitable organisations where we can support each other’s visions and aims
The impact that we have on people’s health extends well beyond our role as a provider of treatment and care. As large employers, purchasers and capital asset holders we recognise that we are uniquely positioned to use our capacity and resources to address the adverse social, economic and environmental factors that widen inequalities and contribute to poor health.
As an Enabler – providing expertise, resource, capacity and infrastructure to wider community improvement
We will support local community organisations, voluntary groups and independent partners. We will co-produce new models of care, join with other organisations in delivering this and fund other organisations when they are better placed than us to deliver successful outcomes. This is achieved through a recognition that we cannot deliver every aspect of health and wellbeing in isolation but that we do have a significant degree of resources and capacity to support others in achieving shared outcomes.
As a Leader – in the development of new models of care
We will continue to play a significant role across the Cheshire and Merseyside Lead Provider Collaboratives. In particular within ‘Level Up’ where we are leading the children and young people and Tier 4 Collaborative and ‘EmpowerED’ where we are the Adult Eating Disorder Lead Provider Collaborative. In addition to this, we will also be a key partner in the Adult Secure Lead Provider Collaborative entitled ‘Prospect’.