This Strategy has been written as a result of extensive information gathering, engagement and discussion with the people who we support.
It is premised on the latest public health information that provides us with the most comprehensive view we have ever had as to the overall health, wellbeing and happiness of our communities. As such, in order to deliver our objectives and those of our partners, we must focus on what we intend to achieve. Without this lens, we will not truly be putting people, families and communities at the heart of everything we do.
We will serve the people of Cheshire and Wirral (and beyond) through identifying need, reducing inequalities, and improving outcomes for all. This strategic objective has been developed to ensure CWP is doing what we can to find and support people who need our services, reducing inequality and having the greatest possible impact on our communities.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Use health analytics to segment our population to provide more effective care with those in greatest needs.
- Increased utilisation of health coaches and voluntary sector social prescribers.
- Increased utilisation of self management tools across the community.
- Continued development of mental health crisis cafes.
This strategic objective has been developed to ensure CWP is supporting people within our local communities to build the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to look after their own health and wellbeing, to cope with difficulties such as stress and adversity and to learn from their experiences. CWP will support people to thrive and not just survive. The Trust will support the development of social value within our communities, such as supporting the things that people consider important and add valuable experiences to their lives.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Ensuring we integrate the delivery of our mental health and physical health services.
- Better understanding of local areas of deprivation, with targeted in-reach of services to meet those community’s needs.
- Provision of education and training to partners and people from deprived populations.
- Employment support services in place working in collaboration to improve unemployment levels.
- Taking an asset based community development approach.
This strategic objective has been developed to ensure CWP will help and support our places by working closely together with others to provide them with what they need to thrive. We will do whatever we can to make a positive difference to whatever matters to the people we serve.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Ensuring that our governance and service delivery mechanisms incorporate representation by the community.
- Regular attendance by CWP colleagues at regional, local and community meetings.
- Aligning our plans to those of our partners and Place to ensure shared vision and outcomes.
For care to be joined-up, organisations and care professionals need to bring together all of the different elements of care that a person needs. CWP wants to ensure that our contribution is always of outstanding quality and grounded in evidence.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Where appropriate we will commission voluntary and community sector partners to be integral to clinical service delivery.
- Designing seamless pathways of care across providers and ensuring associated joint commissioning plans.
- Developing our estate to ensure that it is fit to meet the needs of the population accessing it.
Reducing gaps and inefficiencies in health and care will improve outcomes for our local population and also offer opportunities for financial savings. It is important for us to think about value in its widest sense, ensuring we allocate resources to get the best possible results.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Using local population data to drive improvements in health and care.
- Focused attention on data quality and use of data to inform service delivery.
- Shared use of resources relating to workforce, business intelligence and quality improvement.
This strategic objective has been developed to ensure CWP will use our relationships and resources to help people, for example, by sharing our buildings and training facilities. The Trust can help to provide opportunities, reduce inequalities, and help make improvements in the communities where we live and work.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Understanding service delivery gaps to ensure people referred from more deprived wards have the same clinical outcomes as those from more affluent wards.
- Increasing the number of people with lived experience employed in paid work within CWP.
- To work across the system to highlight and drive forward sustainable options around estates, procurement and service delivery.
CWP would be nothing without the incredible, compassionate people who work for the Trust. We want to make sure that working here always feels like you are supported, respected, included and that your development is taken seriously and meets your needs. Furthermore, CWPs Values need to be seen, heard and felt in everything we do – Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Recruiting ahead of need supported by a system-wide approach to attraction, career and personal development.
- Improving the wellbeing of all.
- Delivering a range of training and education courses, working alongside place partners, such as the collaborative work with Chester University around neurodevelopmental disorders.
To improve the lives for everyone in our communities we need to understand what works well and why – and be constantly curious about what we can do differently and better. Our learning may help others, so sharing it within and outside the Trust is important, as is taking on board learning from elsewhere.
What sorts of things we will focus on…
- Embedding quality improvement as a core element of daily activity across services.
- Continued development of part-time academic and clinical roles, seeding a culture of learning and improvement across all services.
- Undertaking a wide range of clinical research and development activity, leading to published articles and presentations, across all services.