We have been made aware that some hyperlinks within policies have been disrupted. We are currently working on enhancing the policy database so ask you search for related policies/appendices via the keyword "search" below or "search this website" tool at the top of the page – thank you for your patience.
Our Policies
See all of our policies and use the search box below
- CG1 Anti-fraud-bribery-and-corruption-policy.pdf (DOCX)
- CG2 Mobile-devices-policy-issue-4 (PDF)
- CG3 Policy-for-the-council-of-governors-to-raise-serious-concerns-about-the-board-of-directors-issue-2 (PDF)
- CG6 Intellectual-property-policy-issue-1 (PDF)
- CG5 Issue-3-bed-closure-and-closure-to-admission (PDF)
- CG7 Declaration-of-interests-policy (PDF)
- FR2-Management-on-internal-and-external-recommendations-policy (PDF)
- CG8 Issue 1 Domestic Abuse Policy (PDF)