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Our Policies
See all of our policies and use the search box below
- IC10 Prevention-and-management-of-exposure-to-hcai-and-inoculation-incidents (PDF)
- IC11 Guidance-regarding-animals-in-a-healthcare-setting (PDF)
- IC15 Creuzfeld-Jakob-Disease-policy (PDF)
- IC17 Control-and-prevention-of-legionellae-and-safe-water-services (PDF)
- IC18 Operational-cleaning-policy (PDF)
- IC1 Infection-prevention-and-control-operational-policy (PDF)
- IC2 Hand-hygiene-SOP (PDF)
- IC21 Mechanical-ventilation-systems-policy (PDF)
- IC3 Standard-infection-control-precautions-policy (PDF)
- IC4 Meticillin-resistant-staphylococcus-aureus-mrsa-policy (PDF)
- IC5 Clostridium-difficile-policy (PDF)
- IC6 Contingency-plans-for-the-control-of-infectious-outbreaks-incidents (PDF)
- IC7 Patient-isolation-policy (PDF)
- IC9 Pandemic-influenza-policy (PDF)
- IC8 Policy-for-the-aseptic-technique-using-the-principle-of-aseptic-no-touch-technique (PDF)