Improving mental health in our communities
For most people with severe mental illness, the diagnosed problem isn’t all they need or want help with. People tell us that they want mental health services that go beyond symptoms and illnesses, that see the person and not the diagnosis. They rightly expect care services to meet their needs and not for them to meet referral criteria.
At Cheshire and Wirral Community Wellbeing Alliance, we have joined together to create a new way of working to provide holistic, person centred care for people with severe mental illness, so that people with long term needs, or specific mental health concerns will receive faster access to higher quality care.
Working together
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) is the host organisation for the Alliance but wider NHS partners, local authorities, charities and organisations from the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector have all signed up to deliver a new and joined up ways to support people with complex mental health needs.
Our vision is for individuals to be at the heart of all that we do, shaping care and opportunities around the needs in the community. We will strive to prevent mental health crises and ensure that anyone in need has access to the right care at the right time.