Lived experience

CWP aims to bring together the Trust and people with lived-experience of mental illness and learning disabilities (service users, carers and volunteers).  This is particularly important when it comes to research.  Service users, carers and volunteers are the experts when it comes to their needs. Their ideas about the things that need to be researched are crucial to make sure that research is meaningful and can be applied to the real world. 

Take part in research

CWP is currently recruiting patients to a wide range of mental health research studies and drug trials. These are done in collaboration with other NHS Trusts, universities and pharmaceutical companies.

If you would like to participate or have a patient who would like to take part on any of our current studies below, please email or text 07825197422.

Alternatively, you can print our Invitation to take part in research leaflet, add your details and post it back to us.

Current studies:
















ADEPP (Antidepressant for the Prevention of Depression Following First Episode Psychosis) is randomised control clinical trial which is investigating whether using an antidepressant medication (Sertraline/Lustral) versus placebo improves recovery following first episode psychosis.  Around 40% of young people experience a moderate or severe depressive episode in the six months following treatment of first-episode psychosis (FEP). Depression after FEP is the most significant risk factor for suicidal behaviour and completed suicide; 35 out of every 100 patients with FEP will attempt suicide, and completed suicide is most common in these early years of illness. We have recently shown that depression after FEP has a long-term impact on the likelihood of suicidal behaviour, lasting up to 7 years. Depression after FEP also has adverse consequences for social and occupational recovery, quality of life and risk of relapse. Only a minority of patients who experience FEP will achieve full recovery, with up to 70% of people having poor occupational and social functioning even with existing, intensive intervention. The ADEPP study aims to prevent the onset of depression after FEP by using Sertraline/Lustral as a prophylactic antidepressant. 

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Important note: Referral to this study must be made by the staff from the Clinical Teams or Clinical Studies Officers from the Research Team. If you are a staff member from CWP and would like to refer a participant to this study or just find out more about the study please contact the Research Team (details above).


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Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)

Led by University College London, CFT is randomized controlled trial of Compassion Focused Therapy versus treatment as usual (TAU) to improve depression and anxiety in dementia.  Around 850,000 people live with dementia in the UK. Of these, 20-37% have diagnosable depression and many more have depressive symptoms.  There are currently no pharmacological or psychological therapies with established efficacy to treat these individuals.  CFT uses online, group-focused therapy, which aims to build compassion for the self and others and reduce self-criticism and shame. It specifically addresses how people with dementia respond to their cognitive deterioration, e.g. encouraging them to notice that they are struggling to find the words, to acknowledge that this is part of the dementia experience, that it’s not their fault and that they are not alone in their experience. Developing such acceptance is likely to facilitate adjustment and be emotionally protective, ultimately reducing clinical depression and anxiety, and improving wellbeing. The duration of the intervention is 15 weeks, consisting of 12 CFT therapy sessions. 



Important note: referral to this study must be made by the staff from the Clinical Teams or Clinical Studies Officers from the Research Team. If you are a staff member from CWP and would like to refer a participant to this study or just find out more about the study please contact the Research Team (details above).














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DPIM - Genetics of Mental Illness 




DPIM is studying large numbers of people with psychiatric disorders* to compare the frequency of DNA polymorphisms with people who do not have any history of psychiatric disorders. DPIM is investigating responsiveness to drug treatments and test whether genetic polymorphisms can predict who responds to which treatment.

Aim: To understand the causes of different psychiatric disorders and to tailor the medication which gives the best response with minimal side effects to each individual.

* Potential participants can self-refer to this study by contacting the Research Team (details above).

Important note: the inclusion criteria includes having a confirmed diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder or schizo-affective disorder (manic or depressive type) AND having capacity to give informed consent.

DPIM leaflet

DPIM Patient Information Sheet

DPIM Healthy Volunteer Information Sheet





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Emotional Regulation in Children: a clinical trial of mentalization based treatment (ERiC)

The CWP Research Department is currently recruiting patients for this trial consisting of 6–8 sessions on mentalization-based treatment (MBT), delivered fortnightly, to help children aged 6–12 to understand their own thoughts and feelings and the thoughts and feelings of others. This will be offered to families in their local services.

Important note: referral to this study must be made by the staff from the Clinical Teams or Clinical Studies Officers from the Research Team. If you are a staff member from CWP and would like to refer a participant to this study or just find out more about the study please contact the Research Team (details above).





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PPiP2 - Pathogenic Antibodies in Psychosis






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The PPiP2 study aims to investigate the prevalence of autoimmune antibodies in patients with psychosis and identify people with psychosis and anti-neuronal membrane antibodies to take part in the SINAPPS2 trial. 
The immune system normally controls our ability to fight infection. If the immune system goes wrong it may attack our own body, causing diseases called ‘autoimmune’ diseases. It has been discovered that some of these autoimmune diseases can affect the brain, and in the early stages of the disease they can manifest through symptoms of psychosis.

Important note: referral to this study must be made by the staff from the Clinical Teams or Clinical Studies Officers from the Research Team. If you are a staff member from CWP and would like to refer a participant to this study or just find out more about the study please contact the Research Team (details above).

PPiP2 leaflet

Participation Information Sheet

The SINAPPS2 Clinical Trial - Treating psychosis with immunotherapy ? (video) - SINAPPS2 participant and family talking about their experience in the trial

SINAPPS Group (YouTube channel) (for Staff)

SINAPPS Research Group website (for Staff)





This trial aims to find out how effective a stimulant medication is compared to a non-stimulant medication in patients who have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and also have a history of either psychosis or bipolar.  Trial will last 12 months.

Important note: Referral to this study must be made by the staff from the Clinical Teams or Clinical Studies Officers from the Research Team. If you are a staff member from CWP and would like to refer a participant to this study or just find out more about the study please contact the Research Team (details above).





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WWW - Wellbeing While Waiting


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The Wellbeing While Waiting study seeks to identify if there are benefits from offering social prescribing programmes to CYP on CAMHS waiting lists through undertaking observational research using questionnaires and interviews.

Important note: Referral to this study must be made by the staff from the Clinical Teams or Clinical Studies Officers from the Research Team. If you are a staff member from CWP and would like to refer a participant to this study or just find out more about the study please contact the Research Team (details above).

WWW leaflet

WWW Parent-Guardian Information Sheet

WWW Participants 11-15 Information Sheet

WWW Participants 16-18 Information Sheet


Follow-up studies (no longer recruiting) :

Boehringer Ingelheim's Investigational Treatment for Cognitive Impairment Associated with Schizophrenia Receives FDA Breakthrough Therapy Designation

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Diamonds (Diabetes and Mental Health) - Improving diabetes self- management for people with severe mental illness



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Recollect 2 - Recovery College Characterisation and Testing






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TONiC - Trajectories of Outcome in Neurological Conditions

MS Research explained

The Research behind the Questionnaire (MND)


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Follow the links below for more research opportunities :