Cheshire and Wirral Partnership, Autism Strategy, 2022 – 2027
The experience of autistic people has been at the heart of shaping the vision, content, and format of this Strategy. The Strategy has been co-produced with autistic people, the voluntary and community sector, public-sector partners, and wider stakeholders.
Autistic people have provided the artwork and co-produced the supporting materials available online. Our enormous thanks to everyone who has given their insight, thinking and energy to the whole process.
Bringing our vision to reality will take time, commitment, and tenacity. Going forward, we are committed to continuing to work with autistic people to deliver improved experience and outcomes – we are grateful for this challenge, and hope that they will continue to hold us to account for continuing to improve.
Isla Wilson, Chair and Tim Welch, Chief Executive CWP
Artwork by Helen’s Artsy Creations
If you have any feedback or questions about the Autism Strategy, you can contact us in a number of ways detailed below. You might find the tips guide here helpful before you contact us.
- email us at cwp.
autismstrategy with your message or, if you prefer, attach an audio file to your - provide some short feedback on the form below
- phone and leave a voicemail on 01625 508 542 (any weekday after 5pm, or anytime at the weekend). In your voice message, please refer to the Autism Strategy and let us know whether you would like someone to get in touch with you. If so, please indicate which method is best for you (email text, email audio, phone call). We will aim to respond within 3 working days.
- phone and speak to a person on 01625 508 542 (Tuesday to Thursday, from 8am until 4pm). Please refer to the Autism Strategy when you call.