What is IPS and what do we do?

IPS (Individual Placement and Support) supports people with severe mental health difficulties into employment. It involves intensive, individual support, a rapid job search followed by placement in paid employment, and up to 26 weeks in-work support for both the employee and the employer. Employment Specialists work in direct partnership with clinicians to ensure full support is given to each service user wanting to achieve paid employment.

  • We tailor information, advice and guidance relevant to the service users’ current position and future desired goals
  • Support with benefit queries, entitlements and permitted hour rules are discussed if relevant • We create a vocational profile and action plan tailored to the needs of each service user which identifies key skills and the right employment industry
  • 121 mentoring to increase health and wellbeing and assist with removal of any barrier that restricts paid employment outcomes
  • We support with CV creation, interview techniques and employability skills to achieve competitive employment
  • Full employer engagement and supported job search to achieve the right paid role for the service user
  • Once paid employment is achieved, a further 26 weeks in-work support is given to help the service user overcome any further barriers that may restrict the sustainability of paid employment
How we deliver

Each Employment Specialist carries a caseload capacity of between 20-25 at any one time. Within 3 working days of a referral, initial contact is made with the service user to discuss the program in detail. Within 15 working days after the initial meet, a vocational profile and action plan will be achieved. The service user will identify their strengths and aspirations as well as any relevant health considerations for discussion. An action plan is developed with the focus on exploring benefit counselling, employment decision making and priority barriers to overcome. Employability training and employer engagement will commence within 1 month.

How to make a referral

Any service user that wants to achieve paid employment aged 18 plus (16 plus from Early Intervention only) and currently receiving mental health support from the following Resource Centres in both Cheshire West and East are eligible:

  • Community Mental Health Team at Upton Lea Resource Centre, Cherrybank Resource Centre, Jocelyn Solly Resource Centre, Delamere House Resource Centre
  • Adult Mental Health, Vale House Resource Centre
  • Early Intervention East, West & Central.

A referral form is required and can be received via email or in person.

Contact Details

Jo Wilczek – Cherrybank & Vale House CMHT

Tel: 07768 271269 Email: joanna.wilczek@nhs.net

Laurie Knight – Upton Lea CMHT

Tel: 07912 293653 Email: laurie.knight@nhs.net

Mike Henshall – West EI Tel: 07917 979292

Email: michael.henshall2@nhs.net

June Ogden – Delamere CMHT

Tel: 07826 399655 Email: June.ogden1@nhs.net June Ogden

Jocelyn Solly CMHT Tel: 07826 399655

Email: june.Ogden1@nhs.net

Sam Elliott – East EI

Tel: 07979 109222 - sam.elliott6@nhs.net

Kay Burns

Tel: 07392 868596

Email: kay.burns1@nhs.net

Louise Jordan

Tel: 07423 680912

Email: louise.jordan11@nhs.net