Our Adult Autism assessment Service is a local diagnostic and assessment service for adults who are believed to need an assessment for autism. People are assessed by two members of our team. We have autism clinical specialists, psychiatrists, specialist occupational therapists and specialist nurses.

The service has been commissioned by the Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (Previously known as CCG).

 Visit our team page learn more about our staff.

This service is available to anyone age 16 and over who has a GP in Cheshire West, Vale Royal or South Cheshire and those age 18 and over who has a GP in Cheshire East, Wirral or Shropshire. It is for those who have not received a previous diagnosis of autism and those who do not have a diagnosed learning disability.

If you have experienced traits of autism throughout your life, speak to your GP about a referral. They will complete a quick questionnaire (which is called an AQ10 or autism quotient questionnaire). They may complete it with you or ask you to complete it yourself or with someone who knows you well and return it to the surgery. 

If you trigger an assessment by answering the questionnaire, your GP will refer either directly to the autism service, or through a community mental health service, who will then assess your referral individually. 

Your GP will refer you if you meet the above criteria and are willing to go for the assessment. 

To learn more, you can view the AQ10 questionnaireread our leaflet on what to expect during your assessment, or watch the video displayed below that explains what the initial assessment process involve. You will be asked whether you would prefer a virtual or face to face assessment. The face to face assessment is described here. The virtual assessment process is similar, but can be undertaken at home.

If you would like more post diagnostic information please visit the Autism hub.


The Autism Hub is for people who are, or who may be autistic. It is also a useful space for family members, staff, and professionals who support autistic people. There are several services available via the Autism Hub and there are different services depending on your age, and if you have a learning disability. 

Month Patients On Waiting List Average Wait In Weeks 
Jan-24 803 56
Feb-24 829 57
Mar-24 819 61
Apr-24 794 64
May-24 777 67
Jun-24 760 71
Jul-24 730 74
Aug-24 722 78
Sep-24 714 82
Oct-24 705 85
Nov-24 671 89
Dec-24 669 93
Jan-25 644 96
Feb-25 635 99



Adult Autism Service - CE - Feb 25.png


Month Patients On Waiting List Average Wait In Weeks 
Jan-24 1194 59
Feb-24 1244 60
Mar-24 1235 64
Apr-24 1229 67
May-24 1214 71
Jun-24 1197 75
Jul-24 1184 78
Aug-24 1180 83
Sep-24 1159 86
Oct-24 1150 90
Nov-24 1133 94
Dec-24 1132 98
Jan-25 1105 101
Feb-25 1091 105

Adult Autism Service - Cheshire West - Feb 25.png



Month Patients On Waiting List Average Wait In Weeks 
Jan-24 967 56
Feb-24 985 58
Mar-24 972 62
Apr-24 956 65
May-24 941 69
Jun-24 930 73
Jul-24 901 76
Aug-24 879 80
Sept-24 869 83
Oct-24 863 87
Nov-24 847 91
Dec-24 846 95
Jan-25 835 99
Feb-25 826 103

Adult Autism Service - Wirral - Feb 25.png