One in five women and birthing people experience mental health problems during pregnancy or in the first year after birth.
The Cheshire and Merseyside Specialist Perinatal Service provides important mental health assessment and support for local women and birthing people, who are experiencing moderate to severe mental health issues during this time.
The Perinatal Training Hub has a wealth of resources for professionals and parents to use. It enables learning and understanding about perinatal mental health, perinatal psychological distress and how to get specialist support and for mums, birthing people, parents and families in the perinatal period.
Working in partnership as part of a Cheshire and Merseyside-wide service, we have three teams covering Cheshire West, Cheshire East, and Wirral.
Our team works as part of a Cheshire and Merseyside-wide service in partnership with Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust
We can help in a number of ways:
One-to-one assessment and support:
We provide one-to-one assessment and ongoing support for women who are pregnant or have a baby who is under 24 months, and:
- Are currently experiencing complex or severe mental health problems
- Have a history of or are at risk of developing severe or complex mental health problems during the perinatal period, even if they are currently well.
Pregnancy planning appointment
We offer one-off pregnancy planning appointments to provide advice, guidance and signposting to support women who are thinking about or planning to have a baby, who:
- Have a history of complex mental health problems or are taking medication for mental health problems
- Are worried about the impact having a baby will have on their mental health
- Have anxiety around pregnancy, childbirth or becoming a parent.
Phone consultation and advice for health professionals
We provide advice over the phone for any health or social care professionals working with women who are receiving support from primary or secondary mental health services and are either pregnant, planning a pregnancy or have a baby who is under 24 months.
For more information, please follow the team on X by visiting our @cmperinatal page.
The Specialist Perinatal Service supports:
- Women and families across Cheshire and Merseyside to access specialist advice about their mental health during the perinatal period (pregnancy to 24 months postnatal)
- All women of childbearing age (no upper or lower age limit to refer). Where the woman is under 18 years of age, joint working with CAMHs will be recommended
- Women who are registered or in the process of registering with a GP located within Cheshire and Merseyside.
- We do not accept self-referrals, but women can be referred to our service by any professional supporting them such as a GP, midwife, health visitor, social worker, voluntary sector agencies
- The above professionals should make sure they have consent to make the referral and let people know to expect a call from us so we can complete a telephone triage
- Referrals are made by completing our referral form and emailing this to your local service
- Emergency referrals do not require a referral form and should be made via telephone to the local Specialist Perinatal Service between Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Mersey Care (Halton, Warrington, St Helens and Knowsley) Tel: 01925 275 303
Mersey Care (Liverpool and Sefton) Tel: 0151 702 4012
Cheshire and Wirral Tel: 0151 488 8434
For more information, please follow the team on X by visiting our @cmperinatal page.
Visit our urgent help page
Your first appointment is the start of building a relationship with the perinatal professional.
The appointment will either be at a venue in your local area or in your own home.
Children and family are welcome to the first appointment; however, we can also see you alone if you prefer.
Monday to Friday: 9.00am-5.00pm (excluding bank holidays)
For out of hours support please call NHS 111, contact your local GP or access the mental health out of hours service at your local accident and emergency department.
Referrers should contact our out of hours services such as mental health crisis lines which are available 24 hours a day seven days a week.