Service types:

Service areas:

Our East Cheshire Learning Disability Community Health Team provides specialist health support to people with learning disabilities in East Cheshire.

The East Cheshire Learning Disability Community Health service is available for anyone aged 18 or over at the time of referral

To access our service, you can make a self-referral or a referral as a family member or carer by contacting us using the telephone number provided.

Alternatively, please speak to a GP, social worker, or any other health professional. They will be able to make a referral if they think our service can help.


Month Patients On Waiting List Average Wait in Weeks
May-23 62 11
Jun-23 63 11
Jul-23 82 13
Aug-23 91 7
Sep-23 86 16
Oct-23 102 17
Nov-23 32 13
Dec-23 33 9
Jan-24 10 5
Feb-24 39 1
Mar-24 61 5
Apr-24 53 8
May-24 28 8
Jun-24 30 6
Jul-24 45 3
Aug-24 57 12
Sep-24 9 7
Oct-24 32 3
Nov-24 9 4
Dec-24 23 2


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