The Involvement, Recovery and Wellness Centre (IRWC) was named by the users of the service to represent the wider provision that the service provides.

The IRWC provides assistance with involvement and volunteering opportunities within the centres and wider public, as well as the facilitation of one-to-one and group educational sessions to aid feelings of wellbeing, recovery, independence, and control.


All workshops facilitated follow an adult education model and aim to deliver a curriculum which contains responsive recovery-focused workshops. All workshops and workbooks, where possible, have been co-produced and co-delivered by people who have lived experience of mental and physical health conditions, together with partnerships within CWP and our local community.


The Involvement, Recovery and Wellness Centre YouTube channel features helpful self-management strategies and distractions that you can practice at home. Alongside this, we have developed a range of workbooks that you can access and work through at your own pace.

In our self-care and self-management workbooks, you will learn self-care techniques and how general lifestyle changes can help manage the symptoms of many mental health problems. They may also help prevent some problems from developing or getting worse. The workbooks available are focused on:

The Expert Patient Programme is tailored to the needs of adults living with long-term physical or mental health condition(s) and their carers. It focuses on self-management techniques which are designed to help people improve their quality of life and take control over personal situations and experiences.

Subjects that are discussed include managing low mood, relaxation, planning for the future, problem-solving, and developing improved communication skills. Find out more by reading our Expert Patients Programme leaflet.

The Physical Wellbeing courses explore holistic health and highlight the vital link between physical health and mental wellbeing. Physical wellbeing involves exercising, good nutrition and of course making healthy lifestyle choices and the courses in this section cover these topics. Check out the Involvement, Recovery and Wellness Centre YouTube channel for exercises you can carry out at home.

Taking Back Control

The courses on taking back control aim to give you information and understanding to make decisions and choices that affect your care and wellbeing. They cover things like how we can make decisions to influence future care. To find out more, please look at the Relapse Prevention workbook and our Advance Statement document.

The courses on rebuilding your life are designed to help you in your journey of moving forward and looking into the future.

The Developing Skills and Interests courses aim to develop your skills, interests and confidence, whether it is learning new craft skills, joining in a reading group or volunteering in the community. These skills could potentially help improve your employment or educational opportunities in the future. They will help you to accomplish your ambitions and reach your full potential or offer support from a position of real understanding.

Check out the Involvement, Recovery and Wellness Centre YouTube channel for tutorials on new crafts you can learn, or look at our Children’s Activity Pack for ideas for younger people