Our Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Service provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment for adults with ADHD.

The  ADHD service is available to anyone aged 18 and over at the time of referral.

To access our ADHD service, please speak to a GP or any other health professional. They will be able to make a referral if they think our service can help.

Month Patients On Waiting List Average Wait In Weeks 
Jan-24 399 227
Feb-24 393 231
Mar-24 381 237
Apr-24 377 240
May-24 363 243
Jun-24 347 247
Jul-24 340 252
Aug-24 336 257
Sep-24 333 261
Oct-24 332 265
Nov-24 330 269
Dec-24 315 273


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