Our Wirral 0-18 Childen and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) service - formerly known as CAMHS - provides treatment and support to young people that are experiencing mental health difficulties.
Find out more about our Wirral 0-18 CYPMHS team.
Wirral CYPMHS service is available to anyone aged 0-18 at the time of referral in Wirral, Merseyside.
To access our 0-18 Children and Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS) - formerly known as CAMHS - please speak to a GP, social worker, or any other health professional. They will be able to make a referral if they think our service can help. You can also submit a self-referral for a young person on the MyMind website. Please note, we are able to accept self-referrals from parents / carers (on behalf of a young person) or from young people directly if they are over the age of 16.